Who are you?
Hello. My name is latte.html and this is my corner of the internet for particular things which interest me. I'm building this website out of an interest in web design, particularly of a certain period.
What is Foghlaim Café?
I'll be using this café as a private blog which is accessible to friends, a hub for other areas of the internet which I occupy, and it's also going to host my creative hobbies, blogposts and similar. I would like to centralise my thoughts into this webpage, particularly class notes. Below is a to do list of things that need improving with the site. I'm also putting mystical texts and magickal practices here for compilation. I'm not entirely sure what i'm going to do here, to be honest, and though i'm not very good at it I will be using a lot of Irish/Gaelige. It's a language I am much more interested in using.
Required Website Maintenence...
I. Change the colour scheme from plain white to something more interesting.
II. Finish and cull the booklist (only five books per category).
III. Create a line for the header.
IV. Manage the gaelige page.